Friday, December 2, 2011

The Gift Unopened

Back when the Philippines were in a terrible political turmoil and the troops were ordered to quell the popular uprising, a well attested miracle occurred. Thousands were marching on the presidential palace guarded by armed regular army troops who were ordered to fire on the demonstrators. However, as the people marched they were praying the rosary and when they approached the military line a vision of Mary the Mother of Jesus was seen leading them by thousands including the troops. The troops opened their ranks and the people peacefully marched to the palace and the government was peacefully replaced.
I know that devotion to Mary along with asking the saints to help us flies in the face of most Christian denominations. So many say that we must only go directly to Jesus with our prayerful requests for help. But Judeo/Christian history is filled with references to divine help coming in the form of angels and holy persons long departed. Are we ignoring a resource?
Sometimes I think that we are like chess players who insist on playing without the queen. Their opponent has no such limitations. Our opponents have full use of all kinds of evil minions while we fight among ourselves about the proprieties of using gifts presented to us by the arsenal of hope, Jesus.
Such is the case with the ongoing revelations about clergy abuse. The sixties presented all of us with a new world of open sexual behavior. We are all still trying to deal with that reality. Our clergy are no exception. We loosed a powerful force on ourselves. The virtues of chastity have been ruptured by the demands for freedom. The consequences for this behavior were predicted in the eighties. The visions of Mary at that time warned that the Catholic clergy were about to be rendered. The causes of this plague of clergy sexual misconduct are vague. Sociologists and psychiatrists are still wrestling with them. However the results fill the headlines. We need help now.
My little prayer group has dedicated itself to the healing of priests and all Christian clergy. We do not judge, we pray. Our main source of hope is Mary along with unknown and known personal spirit guides that are only waiting to be asked to help. Ask.

Sunday, November 27, 2011


Ever since I heard the word antidisestablishmentarianism on a quiz show in the fifties, I wanted to use it in some context. First of all I wonder if I spelled it correctly, my spell check does not recognise it. The term comes from our friends in the Anglican  (anglo-catholic) Church of England. It is all about those accused of challenging traditional church doctrine.
Today challenging church doctrine is a quite a popular sport in all faith traditions. It is a little like skeet shooting. So grab your shotgun and lets look at these pigeons. Feel free to yell pull at any time.
I grew up in an atmosphere of blind trust. We all knew what God was and what He expected of us. I myself gave up on trying to please this god when I was about thirteen. I did not give up my faith, I just condemned myself to everlasting damnation early on. I knew that I was doomed so I no longer cared if what I was doing was "sinful" or not. All I had to do was keep up the pretext through Catholic High School and I was free to be me. What I learned in religion in high school only served to bolster my acceptance of a future stoking coal in the Big Hibachi. This lasted for twenty-seven years. No hope, just mad attempts at happiness.
At forty I knew that I was dead. But I was asked to be a godparent for my cousin's baby. I was flabbergasted that I would even be considered for such a holy responsibility.  I grabbed at this chance like a drowning man for a life jacket.  I came home to the church that gave me new life. Three years later I was in the seminary studying for the priesthood.
I felt very ill at ease in the seminary. Firstly because I still had mega doubts about how doctrine was promulgated in the church. The whole process seemed so unlike the wonderful acceptance and forgiveness I experienced in my homecoming. Nothing much seemed to have changed. What had changed was me. I now saw church as a vessel charged with carrying a precious cargo of loving forgiveness meant for all who met her. But I also saw her crewed by many who demanded high tariffs for a cargo that was given to them freely.
This is where my word anti... comes in. Despite my misgivings I decided to help crew the vessel. But when we got to port I would join those on the fantail quietly passing the gifts over the side to waiting beggars in leaky canoes. The main cargo was being strictly controlled by the officers and they were collecting the proper fees on the wharf.
When the loyal crew found out about our unsanctioned largess  we were set ashore without stipend to fend for ourselves. The landlubbers did not know what to do with us. Weren't we supposed to stay on board?  But some discovered that we had smuggled enough of the cargo ashore that there is more than enough for all. This upset some of the lubbers not to mention the powers that be. How dare we give away for free the bread from their table? So they tighten up the security. People still come to the fantail (the back of the boat) to beg for a crumb of the cargo, but now they are shooed away by the royal loyal crew (clergy).
Bottom line: The cargo is real and aplenty, the vessel is sea worthy, the crew is afraid to go out over their heads.
We will survive their imagined terrors. The gifts we already have will sustain us until a new crew is readied.
Hang in there.
Cap'n Rod  (former pirate)

Saturday, November 12, 2011


I hated grammar school. I was skinny at first and non-athletic and then I became fat and non-athletic. I spent most of my time trying to escape bullies. During my sophomore year of high school I discovered that I was gifted with a deadly weapon that would make all bullies cower before me. I had a lightening fast, caustic, cynical, invincible wit that could cut down all challengers to my person. It helped also that by then I weighed in at 235 pounds and had begun a life long love affair with lifting weights. But I never needed to get physical, my phaser was on stun and that was good enough. This wit also saved my skinny ass when I went into the navy. I dropped down to 150 pounds thinking that I would be more acceptable. I had high blood pressure and they would not let me in the service but when they saw all the trouble I went to they relented. Of course now I was in boot camp and every muscle had wasted away on my crash diet. It took awhile but my devastating "humor" prevailed even there, I survived. The next four years saw my weight fluctuate 50 pounds a year as I tried to get back to my flight weight but that's another story.
This blog is about spirituality. I see by my face book that so many of you are hard right or hard left politically. I describe myself as a liberal democrat but that is not my politics. It is the culture I grew up in. What culture did you grow up in? It is so important to our spiritual growth that we examine the whys of our points of view, political and social. Why does Rush resonate with half the country while the other half grimaces at the very mention of his name? Which side is wrong?
I don't care, all I know is that both sides are not right. The reason for this conclusion is that I see myself in the cryptic comments and down right hard hearted blasts that each side throws at the other on MY FACEBOOK thing. These comments and attempts at cynical humor are the weapons I used for the first 60 or so years of my life and they served me well. I survived.
But the person I projected was not the person that I would want to be my friend let alone my pastor.
My best friend and spiritual mentor pointed this out to me. Even then I was in denial claiming that I was only playing with someone whilst I toyed with their self esteem through "humor." I was dead wrong.
One of the greatest "sins" is to rob another of their self-esteem. I was an expert at it.
So, I have been working hard not to take that easy shot when someone lets down their guard. Even if I disagree with all they believe. O God, its so hard to change. Its so hard to encourage those whom you think are completely wrong. But it is the path to enlightened spirituality. You will survive their juvenile taunts and name calling. You will become more like our Creator. Try it. Ok lefties listen to a radio talk show preferably with someone who will challenge you. Drop by a gun show and do not look better than thou. Ok righties, seek out and listen to a demonstrator against the death penalty. Better yet, get involved with prison ministry. Maybe only a couple of days a month. I have been chaplain at four prisons. I have met with people that even the most violent movies could not come close to portraying. I survived. I know better now why my faith is what it is. No amount of visits to church on Sunday could make up for one 15 minute session with the worst of the worst. They are me and I want to know all about me before I stand before my Creator.
Fr. Rod


Yesterday was Veteran's Day. I am a veteran. I served as a flight crew member in an anti-submarine squadron. About the only thing I enjoyed in the navy was flying, the rest was ok but kind of boring. We would chase after Soviet subs and we would practice with NATO subs.
We had state of the art anti-submarine detectors. State of the art for 1967. All of our data was collected by an on board analog computer. It was kind of like having a rear screen projection television in the cockpit. It was top secret stuff at the time. It was also the crankiest piece of electronic gear ever invented up to that time. Yet we had no trouble finding our share of soviet subs.That's where the fun came in.
We had a plane full of detectors that really were a sophisticated maze. They would lead you all over the ocean if you let them. Our job was to use our natural instincts to sort through all this info and come up with a reasonable solution as to where the sub was. Good old Yankee intuition would solve anything Ivan could throw at us and that was a rush for us.
So, what is this secret weapon, intuition? Whatever it is it has been the secret weapon for humanity since the cave days. Those who have a well developed, trust worthy, intuition are the ones who survive.
So, my blog is about spirituality not naval warfare. And I cannot think of a more useful tool for those who would be spiritual than intuition. In the church biz we call it an informed conscience. Its that little voice that tells you what will work and what will hurt. To develop a working conscience we all need to rely on teachings and scripture. But we also have to consider the intangibles that surround us. That is tough for the "show me" types who need intrinsic physical evidence before they dare make a move. I would hate to be one of these. Ya gotta be gutsy if ya wanna grow. The "show me" types are aware that the spirit world is filled with very able liars. But I say that they are identifiable with practice.  And it is true that if you cannot recognise these attractive demons they will have you looking for submarines in the Sahara.
My intuitive advice for this little essay is for all of us to examine where out gut feelings have led us. Some of us may be using instrumentation that is a lot older than the stuff I used in the navy. Some of it is pre-Christian. Its time to up grade. Read, ask questions, look around you. There are guides who can and will help you. In my day we did not have satellites to tell us where we were. We could not communicate with the whole of humanity in a click of a button.
Today we are blessed with a new state of the art communication system upgraded from the limited biblical references that brought us safely thus far. All our spirit guides want is a chance to give you some on the job training. Trust them. Your intuition will keep you safe.
Fr. Rod

Thursday, November 3, 2011

What will happen to us?

Today is my birthday. Thanks to all who sent me greetings. My healing/prayer group threw a birthday party for me out in a lovely park in Glendale, AZ. We had our weekly prayer meeting today and once again we talked about forgiveness. But the forgiveness we asked for was not just for ourselves. All asked for help for their family and friends who are having such a difficult time adjusting to the fallout of our wastrel ways. So many are becoming physically ill through their constant worry about the financial and social upheaval that has just begun to wreak havoc on the unprepared.
My group is made up mainly of senior citizens who see so much of what they had hoped to pass on to their children and grandchildren eroding and collapsing. They ask me what we can do to help those who are struggling to establish meaningful careers and those whose dreams of a secure predictable life are quickly fading.
My answer to them and to any of you who are finding this unfolding rite of human passage difficult, if not downright unbearable is that the times are what they are. The times are what they have always been. The time now is about a miraculous growth in our relationship with our Creator, the world and each other. If we had continued on the path of self-destruction that we once considered normal life, our entire species would have been destroyed. Our creators and guides have warned us just as the prophets of old warned Israel.
We do not exist to glorify humanity. The glory of humanity which is kinship with our Creator will be bestowed on those who have been invited. We cannot invent machines or societies that will satisfy our hunger for glory, for becoming God. Our Creator sent His Son to manifest real glory and expected us to follow in that light. Most have ignored this and have chosen to seek the carnal god of money and power. What's new about that? What's new is that now we are on the verge of doing something godlike, destroying the earth and ourselves. This "godness" we do not need. So, another invitation is being sent out. As were the others, it is wrapped in the skin of sacrifice. Our Creator will never give up on us. Look around, the way now is clearing for an even closer relationship with all the members of the Body. We have to come together or perish with the uninvited.
Our spiritual leaders need to step up and identify themselves even at the risk of ridicule. Others need to look for this leadership. This Most Holy Renaissance is practical as well as spiritual. New ways of physical and spiritual healing will be gifted to those who minister this renewal. Those who will not trust will wither on the vine and pass into the afterlife as ghosts of what they could have been.
The faithful have been invited. Those priests who answer yes will survive the tumult. Our Creator will not waste this world or His children. He has sent help. Pray for your ordained clergy. Pray for all who minister His Word whether titled or not. The Good news is real for all. Our churches have only to accept their role and be prepared to share in these enhanced gifts without judging the invited. Forgive our enemies, "Feed my sheep."
Fr. Rod

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Again welcome

This is just a short note of appreciation to those of you who have visited my blog from other countries than the USA. My blog is not about the USA but it is about about universal forgiveness and understanding. This message is not welcome in most venues of the USA or elsewhere. We Americans  are you. We are the descendants of your ancestors who dared to challenge the powers that were thought to be universal and came here and won. Our spiritual arsenal comes from those you have sent to us. We are a product of your best hopes. We are also self-centered because you allow us to be.  What have we wrought  that your countrymen have not dreamed of? But still you are us. I am a priest for all. Come home to the reality that we are one in a universal God and I can help you. We do not travel alone. Talk to me.
Fr. Rod

Monday, October 24, 2011


Last Thursday I presided over our regular prayer/healing meeting at St Thomas Church here in Arizona. Just before I left for the meeting, I heard that Gaddafi was killed. By the time I got to the church I had decided to present the toughest message a human being can listen to, forgiveness. I led a prayer for this man who so many loathed. I led a prayer for a fellow human being that was an imperfect image of God. I recalled the scripture which enjoins us to be as God-like as we can and love our enemies as ourselves. All humans are on a never ending march to perfection. I have heard it said that an army moves on its stomach. Our food for the march is provided in small packets of hard field rations that we wolf down softened and made palatable only by the water of salvation.
The gifts that can sustain them are wrapped in shells that seem so hard to crack that many pass on the food of life, Love. They will stagger on unfed and thirsty rather than admit they need Perfect Love. These people often act out in a rage towards any who would cross their paths. They are caught in the mania of desperation. They cannot bring themselves to stop and take the time and energy to open the very packages prepared for them that will bring them hope. So they try to force others to share what they erroneously believe is their food of life, obedience and fear. They try to wrest from us what we would gladly give them for free. Love.
These fellow human being are a lesson for us. It is our task to continually reach out even to the most hated. By doing this we make quantum leaps ahead in our journey to the Perfection that is our rightful heritage. No one robs us of this heritage by torturing, starving, bombing, raping or mass killing. They only make their journey more difficult. So what can help these miserable excuses for humanity? The greatest gift that we can share with them is the forgiveness that we ourselves receive every day from God.
IMPOSSIBLE - is the cry of so many. Kill the bastards and send them to Hell! Get even, Offer your very life for the deaths of these mutants.
Our rightful heroes are those who protect us from the terror. Our military and police are especially gifted by God as out living guardian angels. But like the spiritual angels there is more for them than this one noble goal.
I know that these heroes will gladly give of themselves to save us. I also know that these will also receive special graces to aid them in our behalf. But I also believe that somewhere along their dangerous path they will realise that they can have even more grace. That life has more to give than even the great satisfaction of preserving peace. The gift of forgiveness begins to gnaw at them. The greater gift begins to present itself. Some push any idea of forgiveness deep down into their sub conscience. When post traumatic stress rears its ugly head the cure is a tough one to buy. Forgive and pray for those who have harmed you and your loved ones. Oy, IMPOSSIBLE!
But what if you could do this? What if the all-forgiving God who is the only rightful judge of these people is ready to pack your wounds with the balm of forgiveness. What a jump in your journey to Perfection you can make.
But if you cannot do this, don't feel judged. God knows that you an I are not God and Loves you and me even in our non-Godliness. Let's see if we can Love others despite their non-Godly behaviour. It just may be the field ration that will get us through.
Fr. Rod

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Ghost Buster

I'm now on facebook. I am somewhat overwhelmed with all of you to whom I now seem to be connected. Reading your "stuff," it seems we have little in common. Even my cousins and their offspring may tend to be a lot more conservative than I. I have never been much for the mainstream but in the past 68 years I have really moved to a different place. I like this different place. The rub comes when I mix with everyday folks. If you consider yourself an everyday folk, then you would probably find my life and daily activities to be more than a bit outre (weird).
As I said in previous posts, I am very active in radical spiritual ministry. If any of you are interested in this or who have have friends who are interested in what used to be called the "occult" pass my blog  on to them. I have some great tales to tell about my attempts at exorcisms. Suffice to say that those who have witnessed one will never be the same. Especially those who were working in hospice with me at the time. Nurses and Medical Social Workers tend to be "I'll believe it when I see it types." Well they got a little more than they expected. It amazes me how many every day folks ask for radical spiritual healing and then when I present the ritual, they never want to see me again. Oh well, at least we usually get rid of the offending spirit. Not much recitative business though :).
I know in my heart that most ordained persons have this "gift" available but few will even explore "The dark side." Explaining to them and you that what goes on is a gift of The Holy Spirit (Yes, the same Third Person that you studied in catechism) is completely consistent with traditional Christian/Catholic theologies is a hard sell. That is where being retired ordained clergy really comes in handy. It is amazing how many traditional clergy use my services but will never reveal that they even know me. Oh well, I will toil on in anonymity. Ain't life a blast! :)
Fr. Rod

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Disconnected or in the Know

I have been told that through my hospice experiences with helping people pass over, I have opened up a spirit party line. This was never my intention and it can be quite bothersome especially when a bunch of disgruntled spirits decide to gang up on me night after nightmarish night. The last group that insisted that I be a nexus for them was a very unhappy cadre of wandering spirits who had been misused by priests. Oddly enough they were joined by dead priests who were perpetrators of these heinous misdeeds. Both victims and their tormentors want me to do something about their situation. They want to move on to be with God but they are too ashamed to be in God's presence, Oy! How do you tell the victims that it wasn't their fault when no one would believe them in this life. How do you tel the perpetrators that they can be forgiven?
This is when I pass the duty on to my faithful spiritual healing department. These ladies seem to be able to help a lot. I have only been able to participate in the healing of living persons. Helping the dead deal with their pain is a bit out of my league. But together with my praying ladies we seem to be able to covers most of those who appear.
This, of course, flies in the face of most traditional religion. I was part of that tradition most of my life. It was not until I was ordained at the ripe old age of 49 that any unusual gifts presented themselves.
I could tell you stories of healing that would stand your hair on end. Healing and miracles are to be reported first to your bishop. I did this in detail. My bishop was very excited but was not inclined to make anything public. So, I told a few of you and let it proceed in anonymity. Then I got involved with hospice and ministry to the actively dying. Oh Boy did the "gift" blossom then. I got stories upon stories of my interaction between the passing and their spirit guides. The spirits that came for these folks were almost always accommodating to my participation and I learned to accommodate them also.I know that dying hardly seems the time for joy but I have never experienced such joy and satisfaction as when I would get the final little hand squeeze from my dying patient. This always came just as they passed and I know that they were telling me not to worry, that they were safe now. I know that doctors will say that this is just a natural muscular reaction as these people die but I choose to believe my interpretation. It does not get better than that in this life. As I said I am not into the New Age stuff but my partnership with the reiki types seems to have opened a ministry of total healing. So who am I to argue. The last thing I will mention is that no matter how hard I try these gifts will only present themselves at their own pace. I wish I could go into business and promise to fulfil the requests for healing for everyone who asks but it is not my call. I am the tool not the repairman. Write sometime and let me know about your healing experiences. Most people do not want to share because they are afraid that people will think they are nuts. Believe me, being thought of as a nut is not as bad as keeping it all to yourself. Just call me the big pecan.
Rod of the Desert

Saturday, October 15, 2011

What's Worth

Are you a ninety-nine percenter? I hear that the ninety-nine percenters want to take over. Take over what? The one percenters? The ones with the "wealth." Sounds like 1780s France. Vivi le revolution. Those ninety-nine percenters took over France and wound up with Napoleon and a litany of dictators after him: Der Kaiser, Franco, Mussolini, Hitler and Stalin just to name a few of the biggies in Europe.
They went after the ones they branded as one-percenters: Jews, Catholics, poets, philosophers...but this is old stuff. It has been researched and disseminated to death.
We humans have been declaring who is worth keeping since the cave days. Money and social standing are the universal criteria through which we draw all kinds of generalizations about who is worthy.
This has been a historical reality but now we are faced with a new understanding of worth. What is safety, shelter, food, medicine, water worth to you and me? Do you think that the one-percenters will be able to monopolise these? Not without one hell of a fight will they. But who do we fight when these basics become so elusive that not even the one-percenters can stockpile them?
No food, water, shelter, medicine available in sufficient quantities for even the one-percenters? That is exactly what struggle that we are beginning to recognise as our destiny. When these times of reckless privation become fully mature who will be the worthy ones? They are already being prepared among us. These are the enlightened guardians. They are not all rich or well-spoken but the worth of these guardians of Earth's children will be and is priceless.
People among us have been invited to be protectors, providers and healers for the children of God's choosing. This is not the end of the world or anything close to it. This is the beginning of our Creator's triage for those who will survive the calamity that we brought on ourselves.
So, one-percenter or Ninety-nine percenter - you have to be one or the other don't cha? I mean it is just a case of good math. But didn't I mention that scientists have found that our basic assumptions about our universe might just be wrong? (Look a few blogs back)
How about those of us who do not fit into any one's rational equation? Are we terribly misinformed or or we blessedly conscious. I believe that there are chosen ones right amongst us whose position in the great physical universe is just being molded. They do not fit into the 100% that we have assumed are all that are worthy or unworthy. If I did not believe that this all will boil down to a series of bountiful refuges created by the inspiration of our spiritual helpers around the world run by people of extraordinary spiritual worth, I'd be shakin in my booties. That's enough for today. The sentences are beginning to run on. Thanks for reading all you worthy people. You are invited.
Rod of the Desert

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Miracles and Prozac

Ever hear of "Prozac poop out?" I had been on that miracle drug for almost ten years. It really helped with my depression. After leaving my religious order in disgust, I did not know what was the matter with me because it seemed that I was unable to adjust to parish/religious ministry. So I quit. I really was hopeless until this Prozac came bopping along. It gave me new life and I was able to start in a rewarding ministry as a hospice chaplain. But then about a year and a half ago things began to go South again. I was no longer interested in my ministry. Despite the needs of my beloved patients, I was less and less inclined to leave the house and tend to them. Finally, this past February, I retired, once again in disgust with myself for not being able to adapt.
A few weeks ago I went to the doctor and explained my symptoms. He said that I was "merely" reacting to the Prozac's propensity to poop out after a few years. He put me on a new drug and I am back to being my positive self again. Albeit without a job and with a continuing reputation for unreliability. So, now I have another miracle to rely on. At least for another few years. I only wish that someone in our medical community was more forthcoming with the well known info that brought about my miserable last year. Prozac poop out? I guess miracles have a shelf life.
So, how reliable are miracles anyway? The Bible stories are filled with them. Despite my history of disappointments, I believe wholeheartedly in miracles of all types. The ones that can be easily explained over time, the result of ongoing progress in scientific understanding. And also in the ones that we may never be able to understand, i.e. Why am I loved by a God that I cannot begin to fathom? What is forever?
Other miracles fall in between these. These are the ones that tease science into believing that they can be explained. They are also the ones that simple folk have no need of explanation.
I believe that a rare and substantial miracle is currently underway. It may or may not be explainable now or ever. And like my Prozac experience it may be painful until the new way is clear. It seems that things have been going along quite nicely in our concept of society and economics. Since the Industrial Revolution of two hundred or so years ago, things have been getting better for the under classes. But now that seems to be wearing off like the Prozac.
Again, why did not some of the experts not warn us that capitalism has its limits? Some tried but were quickly silenced. Is the miracle of capitalism over or do we need a new format? As for myself,  I believe that our way of life is salvageable. I know that our God through our angels, spirit guides, conscience... is establishing a path of opportunity for those who will accept the new miracle with trust. We will be fine. We will survive, We will once again flourish for a while until it is time to update our miracle drug once again. This blog insists on trust. The way will be daunting for a while but the new way is being installed as we speak. I have heard the Good News once again proclaimed. Have you? If not yet, then stay tuned and maybe we can help each other. Meanwhile try another pill :)
Rod of the Desert

Sunday, October 9, 2011

A Spiritual Olio.

Well, I feel better today. Yesterday, as you all know, was Yom Kippur - the Day of Atonement. You can look up what this is all about yourself. This Yom Kippur is a Jewish tradition. I like Jewish Tradition. I like all spiritual tradition. Olio, today's title, " means a mixture. I like being an olio.
I heard from one of you yesterday. It was a note written from Shangri-La otherwise known as Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia. Cape Breton is a wonderful mixture of traditions. It is said that the Chinese explorers built a outpost there near Cape Dauphin in the 6th or 7th century. So much for the Vikings and the Portugese. Sorry Leif Ericson and John Cabot.
The lore that makes up much of Cape Breton's mystique actually comes from even earlier - the 3rd century and St Patrick's Ireland. Now I know that Scots make up the greater part of the population there. But the Scots, along with the Norse have the Irish to thank for their Christian roots (congrats Leif).
I say "Christian" with the caveat that St Pat's Christianity was like none known before.
The old story goes that St Pat brought Christianity to those heathen Irish. I think it worked both ways. Those "heathen" Irish along with their Welsh and Scot neighbors already had a well developed Celtic culture that embraced a wonderful understanding of nature and their part in natural spirituality. They were and are a wonderfully spooky bunch. I think that St. Pat got a snootful of the Druids and liked what he smelled.
At any rate Cape Bretoners have managed to preserve a tolerance and understanding of spirituality that is a glory to behold. Of course they have the same worldly problems and challenges that afflict the rest of the us but more than a few have a flowing spiritual nature that absorbs what it needs from the day and then lets the detritus of social and spiritual mania flow by. You can actually breathe the healing in the air. The Love that has been preserved there is for all to enjoy. Love meaning the prime mover, the gift that gives us eternal life. I'll will not use a name for g-d since we are an inclusive bunch here.
Ok, back to Cape Breton. Be warned that Capers, these "simple" folks, will test your understanding of traditional institutional religion. I have heard that if you but scratch a person of Celtic heritage you will find a "pagan" just beneath the skin. I'm telling you that these wounded "pagans" know more about St Pat's brand of Christianity than most societies that claim to be kosher. (Mixed them again didn't I?)
If you are drawn to exploring Celtic spirituality take a trip to Cape Breton and have a cup of tea with one who lives natural healing. They may even read the tea leaves for you if you are blessed. Oh, by the way, throw away the tea bags, just steep the leaves, tea is meant to be free of baggage as are you.
Now sadly, one of the mainstays of their economy is just now going by the boards with the closing of a major newsprint supplier on the Island. The weeping and gnashing of teeth would be justified for these folk but I know that they will take all it in stride and continue to provide the rest of us with a spark of hope. Faith and hope are Cape Breton's most valuable export. I would love to open an spiritual center in that dear land someday just to explore Love (g-d) in all our interpretations. I betcha we could do some great healing.
Rod of the Desert

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Clear as mud

One of my many readers complained that they could make neither head nor tails of my last blog. It seemed to them that I was warning people away from seeking higher spiritual gifts in that they were laden with pitfalls that involved satanism. Nah, we bring our pitfalls with us. Its just that a higher spiritual awareness can take us quickly out of our league and will need to be mitigated through a dedicated prayer regimen. I hope that makes it clearer. I was not saying that LUCIFER is looming in the darkness ready to leap upon anyone who dares to pray outside the box.
Speaking of outside of the box, how about those scientists who have now "proved" Einstein's theory wrong. They have shown that there are faster things than light in the universe. So, in theory, a bullet made of this stuff can hit a plate beside you even before you see the gun's trigger pulled. The present is but an echo of the future.
Spiritualists have used this reality since the cave days. Its what makes magic real. A sensitive person can allow enough of their awareness to travel ahead of them in "time" so that they know the future. At least small bits of the future but enough to astound the most critical of scientists and it certainly can make a believer of us mere lay folk. Spooky even.
But it works the other way too. Since some use the future to guide themselves, it only stands to reason that to those persons in the future experiencing this deja vue have contact with the past. Because that is where they are in relation to the future. Split the difference and you have the present. I wonder if some of these notions of spirit guides warning us could actually be ourselves travelling back in time to help us avoid a bad decision.
Great news? So how come so many of us still screw up? That brings us to the present.
According to the newly revealed "truth"," the past, present and future are one at least in some place in the universe.  But so many of us insist that the present is all we have, this perception becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. Talk about irony. We will not listen to our "enlightened" selves. (aka conscience)
So, hooray. Science says that we can jump back and forth if we have the skills and practice hard enough. Ummm What about theology/religion? How can all of this fit into our carefully preserved treasury of truths canonised by the institutional churches? Oy.
I am not sure, but I know that I am going to enjoy exploring this new freedom. I doubt if the guardians of the Holy Writ and the sanctified oral traditions will be enthused about the prospect. But then their gifted ones can always go back and change things so that we will never know the difference :) If they can't find any gifted seers in the institutional line-up we will be more than pleased to lend them some.
I think that Jesus is very pleased that we are finally growing into our potential. GO HUMANITY, THE SAINTS IZ WITH US AND THEY IZ US!
Fr. Rod

Friday, October 7, 2011


One of my readers has a black belt in karate. Its nice to know what you are capable of in case you need it. Maybe we can work up a method of categorizing the spiritual degrees which we have achieved. Imagine getting into a profound discussion about spiritual beliefs and you are taking a beating. It would be good to have known ahead of time that your opponent has a third degree black belt in spiritual awareness/self-awareness. It would have avoided a lot of unnecessary ego bruising.
I think that our angels, spirit guides, conscience...have a color code that they go by so that they can avoid crushing our delicate spiritual areas. We call it an aura and some claim that they can detect these color codes. Wow! It sure would make life easier if everyone had access to this gift. As a start we would readily know what common denominator we share. It is important to know where to begin when dealing with another person about spiritual matters. All persons have a spiritual baseline, we could not be human without our spirit. But we are all over the place when it comes to our degree of spiritual awareness/self awareness.
Hmm, on second thought, this ability in the wrong hands could lead to devastating consequences for the spiritually naive. And what about those who could perfect such ability? How do you stay innocent?
The wielder of such unmitigated power is actually among us - Can you spell LUCIFER? The road to spiritual giftedness is strewn with bodies of those who dared to grasp at forces they never understood.
But what about those who do travel the road and are aware of the pitfalls. Those whom we would call successful spiritual mentor, the spiritually competent? Those gifted among us who can read the code and will offer themselves as buffers between the naive and the great abuser. Are you competent to do this? Do you suspect that you are competent? Are you competent sometimes? Are you comfortable in your competency? Can you see the spiritual IEDs (innovated explosive devices) on the road? This gift is what we are about here. If you have the gift this is the place to flaunt it. Help us! Or if you want help in discovering your giftedness let me know. The Great Abuser will lie to you about your gifts. Only spiritual awareness/self awareness carefully nurtured can keep us from falling for those lies. Don't wanna go KABOOM!!!
Fr. Rod

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

What hath we wrought?

Imagine being able to share your every thought or whim without wasting time considering the consequences and repercussions. I suspect that this could be the definition of blog. One could say that this is an opportunity to let the Spirit run free and unencumbered by our mundane thoughts and worries. One could say that this is an opportunity to explore one's propensity for hubris. Me thinks that most of this blog is a little bit of both.
A reader wrote that for them the "tumbling" feeling occurs when the news is viewed. I suspect that the Media "news" is but a corporate blog susceptible to just the machinations that I have pointed out.
There is a cure for this oh so prevalent malady. It is called by many "down time." That is a poor appellation at best. "Down time" is when we let ourselves think, meditate, and communicate with those entities that try to inform and guide us. Call them: angels, spirit guides, conscience... pick one or more.
These real entities can be such a wonderful source of hope. They can also be a life-changing source of punishing desperation. The latter occurs when we refuse to allow the healing opportunity to feed our psyche. So many of us admit to our hunger for healing but refuse or vomit out the very nourishment we are provided. The source of this spiritual nausea is our false identity. We are all given an identity by evil. It is the source of our angst. It will assure you that the food provided by thoughtful meditation and prayer is poison. It will send all kinds of distractions your way when you try to explore the richness of "down time."
The key to overcoming this hurdle is to embrace the intrusion. You can easily recognise the falseness by their insistence on your attention. You can put these aside and listen to the soft whisperings of love only after you face the reality of your enemy. This takes time and practice for most of us. I have not made it all the way yet and I spend at least four hours every day in what most people call meditation. Meditation can be a shared practice. We can help each other put aside the noise and confusion. That is what this blog offers. Let me know what you use to block out the lies of the world. I can always use a tip or two.

Rod of the Desert

Monday, October 3, 2011

Rod of the Desert

Something not right? Is it the media that's off center or your personal/spiritual life? If you feel like your world is a bit tilted, you are in the right place. Welcome to Rod's Blog. It is the goal of this blog to nudge you even further off "center." Why? Because the "center" of our lives is no longer pertinant. The world is spinning. We have spent a lifetime trying to stay a zig zag course that is quickly evaporating. If you feel as though you are grasping at thin air, you are quite normal.
I have been ministering to dying hospice patients for many years. It is with profound certainty that I proclaim that only those who have embraced their certain mortality have any clue about life's true center. And it ain't what most people think it is.
I have witnessed and been a part of many, many peaceful passings. I have witnessed and have been a part of some not so peaceful passings. I have witnessed and been a part of terrible passings. I know that the last two of these are completely out of sync with the human condition.
Life and death are one experience. This experience is a gift for all who are born. No life/death is an accident. No life/death is a punishment. The giver of life presents us with opportunities and challenges that are especially attuned to our needs.
This blog is about helping you recognize the opportunities and conquer the challenges. This blog is about providing a flexible centering that will allow you to maintain a grip while the world does its tumbling. The world is TUMBLING you are TUMBLING! Its ok. You are built for this phenomena. Let me help you roll with the uncertainty. Let the GOOD TIMES roll. You can begin by telling me (briefly) about your "motion sickness."
Rod of the Desert