Sunday, February 12, 2012


I mentioned in my early blogs about my on-going relationship with Our Blessed Mother Mary. I certainly pray that you too have such a relationship. Mine started early on in life and became more tangible after I was ordained. I was visited by her in 1994 while I was celebrating liturgy (mass) alone in my church on the leave taking of the feast of her birth. I had been out of town for a couple of weeks and I did not get a chance to offer liturgy while I was gone. The first thing I did when I got back was to go into the church and offer liturgy.
What happened next has been documented by me in many places. I submitted a report on it to the Melkite Bishop Elya in Boston and to Fr. Nassaney, OMI  at the shrine to Our Lady in Willimantic, Ct. What happened was my first actual "in the flesh" visit by the Mother of God. She explained to me what the Immaculate Conception was all about. I have never been able to put the detailed explanation into a language that my conscious level could employ. I just have a great story about a teenage Jewish woman who was pregnant and did not want to embarrass her father. She also made me a pro-lifer without the usual political garbage.
I have had several other spiritual visits since, four with miraculous healings. I would like to say that this has led to a spectacular career for me in the church. Nah, just the opposite happened. My view of church and the sacraments were radically changed forever and this made me some kind of radical in the church's view and they really did not want to deal with me.
I see the church as a living entity that needs to be nurtured not an institution to be defended.  I see Our Lady as the Mother of that living being.
Today Our Mother spoke to me again. This time two of us together were blessed with this visit. One here in Phoenix and the other in Connecticut. She told us that she sees her beloved church as we would see our teenage son or daughter experimenting with drugs or alcohol. Her hope is like that of many agonizing parents. That hope is that her church will survive beyond this plague. Perhaps hope is the wrong word. Her message was stronger than that. Her promise is that when (not if) we gather ourselves back together we will be stronger than ever. Our traumatic journey in the desert of abuse will be made into a glorifying march to a new sobriety of purpose.
The rest of the hour long message is private. Not by my choice. The only hint I am allowed to give is that we have less than two years to wait. Is that wait 5 minutes or 24 months? Wait for what? The time, I don't know. As for what, it is a new set of gifts. She tells me that I have a big world shaking gift coming. Hoo Rah, I could use a boost!  I am grateful and more than curious but I have to wait like everyone else. Hang in there! Can I pray with you?
Fr. Rod

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