I'm now on facebook. I am somewhat overwhelmed with all of you to whom I now seem to be connected. Reading your "stuff," it seems we have little in common. Even my cousins and their offspring may tend to be a lot more conservative than I. I have never been much for the mainstream but in the past 68 years I have really moved to a different place. I like this different place. The rub comes when I mix with everyday folks. If you consider yourself an everyday folk, then you would probably find my life and daily activities to be more than a bit outre (weird).
As I said in previous posts, I am very active in radical spiritual ministry. If any of you are interested in this or who have have friends who are interested in what used to be called the "occult" pass my blog on to them. I have some great tales to tell about my attempts at exorcisms. Suffice to say that those who have witnessed one will never be the same. Especially those who were working in hospice with me at the time. Nurses and Medical Social Workers tend to be "I'll believe it when I see it types." Well they got a little more than they expected. It amazes me how many every day folks ask for radical spiritual healing and then when I present the ritual, they never want to see me again. Oh well, at least we usually get rid of the offending spirit. Not much recitative business though :).
I know in my heart that most ordained persons have this "gift" available but few will even explore "The dark side." Explaining to them and you that what goes on is a gift of The Holy Spirit (Yes, the same Third Person that you studied in catechism) is completely consistent with traditional Christian/Catholic theologies is a hard sell. That is where being retired ordained clergy really comes in handy. It is amazing how many traditional clergy use my services but will never reveal that they even know me. Oh well, I will toil on in anonymity. Ain't life a blast! :)
Fr. Rod
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