Friday, October 7, 2011


One of my readers has a black belt in karate. Its nice to know what you are capable of in case you need it. Maybe we can work up a method of categorizing the spiritual degrees which we have achieved. Imagine getting into a profound discussion about spiritual beliefs and you are taking a beating. It would be good to have known ahead of time that your opponent has a third degree black belt in spiritual awareness/self-awareness. It would have avoided a lot of unnecessary ego bruising.
I think that our angels, spirit guides, conscience...have a color code that they go by so that they can avoid crushing our delicate spiritual areas. We call it an aura and some claim that they can detect these color codes. Wow! It sure would make life easier if everyone had access to this gift. As a start we would readily know what common denominator we share. It is important to know where to begin when dealing with another person about spiritual matters. All persons have a spiritual baseline, we could not be human without our spirit. But we are all over the place when it comes to our degree of spiritual awareness/self awareness.
Hmm, on second thought, this ability in the wrong hands could lead to devastating consequences for the spiritually naive. And what about those who could perfect such ability? How do you stay innocent?
The wielder of such unmitigated power is actually among us - Can you spell LUCIFER? The road to spiritual giftedness is strewn with bodies of those who dared to grasp at forces they never understood.
But what about those who do travel the road and are aware of the pitfalls. Those whom we would call successful spiritual mentor, the spiritually competent? Those gifted among us who can read the code and will offer themselves as buffers between the naive and the great abuser. Are you competent to do this? Do you suspect that you are competent? Are you competent sometimes? Are you comfortable in your competency? Can you see the spiritual IEDs (innovated explosive devices) on the road? This gift is what we are about here. If you have the gift this is the place to flaunt it. Help us! Or if you want help in discovering your giftedness let me know. The Great Abuser will lie to you about your gifts. Only spiritual awareness/self awareness carefully nurtured can keep us from falling for those lies. Don't wanna go KABOOM!!!
Fr. Rod

1 comment:

  1. At first I was confused by this post titled Degree. After discussion about it it became clear that the message is this. We all have intuitive gifts which many of us pass off as "gut feeling". These are real- use those gut feelings to tell you if someone is working with the Light or Holy Spirit.

    How can you tell who works within the Light? If the message brings you closer to God and peace within your own mind and body without asking you to harm yourself or another in any way it is of the Light. Trust your gut.

    We are here to bring the traditional and the mystical together. To some this may be a new experience it our hope that you join us this journey into the mystical awaking.
