Friday, March 23, 2012

This Ones For The Birds

I have been talking about the road to perfection for us humans. It's a long one. One of the reasons I became a priest was to expedite a shortcut. I had spent most of my early life at a very low level of being. When I came to and recognized the opportunities in this life, I knew I had a lot of ground to make up. Thus the priesthood.
The rude awakening came when I realized that being a priest guaranteed nothing. The whole calling was blasting itself apart just when I got ordained in 1992. Believe me that was confusing. I was determined to stick with it but I was being manipulated by "holy" powers that refused to let me expand my being. So, in the name of altruism I left the priesthood and got married. Oy!
If you are seeking contemplative spiritual growth, do not get married. Unless you find a saintly fool who is willing to accept your concept of total giving. One who is not afraid to piss off all the powers that might make your life easier if you would only be like them. One who is not afraid of homelessness and a credit rating in the three hundreds. So, as I said, marriage is not an option for those who take up Jesus' challenge to sell all you have and give it to the poor if you want to follow me.
I do not know how Protestant ministers and rabbis do it but I really do not think that priests should be married. Not for the priest's sake but for those who would be their life's partner.
Instead I think a priest should look for a more equitable companion. I have always wanted an emu. They do not talk back much. They love to go for long quiet walks and you do not have to talk down to them. They are at eye level. They are also not ashamed about laying the occasional green egg.
Yes, this is my new goal, to have my canonical status ratified and to have an assignment where an emu would be seen as a plus.
Fr. Rod

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