Monday, January 2, 2012

Had enough?

This is my first blog entry for the new year. Checking the stats, I started off with a bang in Oct, began to slip in Nov. and was downright ignored in Dec. Perhaps I am the proverbial ninety day wonder? At any rate, I was looking forward to comments from you that would help me understand my role as a retired priest. Only one comment came my way. I will take this as a confirmation that all I have written about is clear and relative to your spiritual understanding. This is great news. If everything in your spiritual ambit is clear and acceptable, I guess I will sign off and continue to explore my retirement unfettered by self doubt. I will check every now and again to make sure you are all ok. Bye for now :)
Fr. Rod

1 comment:

  1. I hope you still continue with this blog. With 2012 now here people need to be informed that the change that is coming is nothing to be afraid of but something to embraced with a open mind.
