Saturday, November 12, 2011


Yesterday was Veteran's Day. I am a veteran. I served as a flight crew member in an anti-submarine squadron. About the only thing I enjoyed in the navy was flying, the rest was ok but kind of boring. We would chase after Soviet subs and we would practice with NATO subs.
We had state of the art anti-submarine detectors. State of the art for 1967. All of our data was collected by an on board analog computer. It was kind of like having a rear screen projection television in the cockpit. It was top secret stuff at the time. It was also the crankiest piece of electronic gear ever invented up to that time. Yet we had no trouble finding our share of soviet subs.That's where the fun came in.
We had a plane full of detectors that really were a sophisticated maze. They would lead you all over the ocean if you let them. Our job was to use our natural instincts to sort through all this info and come up with a reasonable solution as to where the sub was. Good old Yankee intuition would solve anything Ivan could throw at us and that was a rush for us.
So, what is this secret weapon, intuition? Whatever it is it has been the secret weapon for humanity since the cave days. Those who have a well developed, trust worthy, intuition are the ones who survive.
So, my blog is about spirituality not naval warfare. And I cannot think of a more useful tool for those who would be spiritual than intuition. In the church biz we call it an informed conscience. Its that little voice that tells you what will work and what will hurt. To develop a working conscience we all need to rely on teachings and scripture. But we also have to consider the intangibles that surround us. That is tough for the "show me" types who need intrinsic physical evidence before they dare make a move. I would hate to be one of these. Ya gotta be gutsy if ya wanna grow. The "show me" types are aware that the spirit world is filled with very able liars. But I say that they are identifiable with practice.  And it is true that if you cannot recognise these attractive demons they will have you looking for submarines in the Sahara.
My intuitive advice for this little essay is for all of us to examine where out gut feelings have led us. Some of us may be using instrumentation that is a lot older than the stuff I used in the navy. Some of it is pre-Christian. Its time to up grade. Read, ask questions, look around you. There are guides who can and will help you. In my day we did not have satellites to tell us where we were. We could not communicate with the whole of humanity in a click of a button.
Today we are blessed with a new state of the art communication system upgraded from the limited biblical references that brought us safely thus far. All our spirit guides want is a chance to give you some on the job training. Trust them. Your intuition will keep you safe.
Fr. Rod

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